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Silver Package
  • Expert Trainers
  • 1 Year Access to SAP Systems
  • Course Materials (E-books, Manuals)
  • Interactive Live Sessions
  • Recorded Sessions
  • Hands-on Projects
  • Assessment Tests
  • Certification Preparation
  • 1 Year Placement Assistance
  • 1 Year LMS Access
  • Email Support
Gold Package
  • Expert Trainers
  • 2 Years Access to SAP Systems
  • Course Materials (E-books, Manuals)
  • Interactive Live Sessions
  • Recorded Sessions
  • Hands-on Projects
  • Assessment Tests
  • Certification Preparation
  • 2 Years Placement Assistance
  • 2 Years LMS Access
  • Phone & Email Support
Diamond Package
  • Expert Trainers
  • Lifetime Access to SAP Systems
  • Course Materials (E-books, Manuals)
  • Interactive Live Sessions
  • Recorded Sessions
  • Hands-on Projects
  • Assessment Tests
  • Certification Preparation
  • Lifetime Placement Assistance
  • Lifetime LMS Access
  • Dedicated Phone & Email Support
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