How do I reply when HR says that the expected salary is too high from what they usually offer?

After you have that exchange, then if you are really interested in the position, consider whether you are really close enough in compensation to reach an agreement. If you are way off, it is unlikely you and the company may be able to come together. Or if you do, there could be resentment on their part or your part, which could manifest itself in future raises.

That is a very good question. Before you reply, try to understand where HR is coming from. They may be trying to reduce your expectations and get you to accept a lower offer. Or your expected salary may be considerably beyond what they are used to paying; if they do pay it, it may upset their salary structure. I don’t think you can ask him the question in that way, but try to get a feel of where they are coming from.

Then again before you reply, consider what your compensation objectives are and what you could reasonably accept and be happy with.

Having done that, and assuming you are genuinely interested in the company, I would try to feel them out with questions like:

  1. What do you usually pay for the position?
  2. What is the range or bands for the position?
  3. What are the benefits and perks that come with the position?

After you have that exchange, then if you are really interested in the position, consider whether you are really close enough in compensation to reach an agreement. If you are way off, it is unlikely you and the company may be able to come together. Or if you do, there could be resentment on their part or your part, which could manifest itself in future raises.

Thus, if you are genuinely interested and not far apart, you could ask a question like “How can we come together? I really like and want the position, it seems we are not far apart, and I’d hate to see what seems to be an excellent match fall through.” Of course, they may come back with a take it or leave it, and then you have to decide how to deal with that attitude.

If you and the company are way off in your expectations, tell that to the company and say you are very interested in the company and the position, but you and the company seem to have a different salary structure for the position and possibly a different view on what it is worth. Say you would like to stay in touch, and if things should change in the future, you’d be very interested in talking to them again.