What should I answer if HR asks me "You already have an offer, you still looking for change, why?"

You already have an offer, why haven’t you accepted it?” Treat the question respectfully. It’s a fair question after all.

The real question you’re being asked is, “You already have an offer, why haven’t you accepted it?” Treat the question respectfully. It’s a fair question after all.

Just be honest. There are a number of perfectly reasonable answers you might give.

“It’s a good offer, but what if your offer turns out to be even better.”

“It’s a good offer but it’s only fair that I give you a chance to match or better it.”

“It’s a good offer but it’s not quite what I’m looking for.”

“It’s an acceptable offer but I’m hoping you might be able to offer something better.”

“Its a good offer but not as good as I was expecting or hoping for.”